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The Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies (Agreement) at the WTO Ministerial meeting to prohibit subsidies from being provided for Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and overfished stocks

Ministry of Commerce & Industry The Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies (Agreement) at the WTO Ministerial meeting to prohibit subsidies from being provided for Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and overfished stocks Developing Countries and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to have a transition period of two years from the date of entry into force of…

The Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies (Agreement) at the WTO Ministerial meeting to prohibit subsidies from being provided for Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and overfished stocks

Ministry of Commerce & Industry The Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies (Agreement) at the WTO Ministerial meeting to prohibit subsidies from being provided for Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and overfished stocks Developing Countries and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to have a transition period of two years from the date of entry into force of…
String theory: NASA Mars rover discovers mystery object

String theory: NASA Mars rover discovers mystery object

A tangled object discovered by NASA's Mars Perseverance rover has intrigued space watchers, leaving some musing tongue-in-cheek about the quality of Italian dining on the Red Planet. Is it tumbleweed? A piece of fishing line? Spaghetti? A tangled object discovered by NASA's Mars Perseverance rover has intrigued space watchers, leaving some musing tongue-in-cheek about the…
Researchers explore the impact of sea ice change in Bering Sea

Researchers explore the impact of sea ice change in Bering Sea

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Cutter Polar Star, pictured carving through ice in this 2017 USCG image, supported the Naval Postgraduate School research team in the field during a detailed study, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and National Science Foundation, into sea ice variability in the Bering Sea and its broader impact to…
Call of the Wild: The Angler brings co-op fishing to PC first in August

Call of the Wild: The Angler brings co-op fishing to PC first in August

With free and paid content updates to follow An open-world fishing game with online co-op could really hit the spot in a “dad game” sort of way, and Call of the Wild: The Angler isn’t far off with a planned August 31, 2022 release on PC across Steam, the Epic Games Store, and the Microsoft…
Kylie Jenner, Kjendis | Fansen raser atter en gang: Mener Kylie Jenner er «skamløs»

Kylie Jenner, Kjendis | Fansen raser atter en gang: Mener Kylie Jenner er «skamløs»

Det virker som at fansen elsker å hate Kardashian/Jenner-familien, og opp gjennom årene har alle familiemedlemmene blitt hardt kritisert for blant annet «blackfishing», utdaterte kostymer som de nå hjemsøkes av, og ikke minst for lettkledde antrekk. Derfor er det kanskje ikke overraskende at fansen igjen har gått til «angrep», denne gang mot Kylie Jenner (24).…
Dozens of sea turtles stabbed to death off Japan island

Dozens of sea turtles stabbed to death off Japan island

Published July 19, 2022 4:49pm TOKYO — A frustrated fisherman has confessed that he stabbed to death dozens of protected sea turtles on a southern Japanese island after they got caught in his fishing nets, local officials say. Between 30 to 50 green sea turtles were found dead or dying last Thursday, with stab wounds on…
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